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What is DragonFable?
DragonFable is an animated fantasy RPG (It has Dragons!) that you can create a free account
and play using your web browser. Each week we (Artix, Cysero, Zhoom,
Geo, Alina, Ghost, J6, Thyton, Rolith, and the DF Team) add new original
content based on the suggestions of you (hopefully) and your fellow
players as we evolve our ongoing storyline. DragonFable is free to play,
but if you like what we are doing you can help support the game by
upgrading with a powerful Dragon Amulet unlocking exclusive areas and powerful items.
| Train your dragon!HAPPENING NOW! You
are the hero of DragonFable, and by your side stands your valiant
companion, your dragon! If you haven't gotten your dragon companion yet,
find out how to train your dragon from a hatchling to titan-sized and fulfill your destiny of saving the world! |
| Gold BossesBaron
Au'Mydas and his benefactor need to be taken down! Can you work your
way through the golden monsters to defeat both of them? Each boss fight
will offer it's own rewards!
Pellow Village has new shops! Now that the gate is open the
Chaosweavers and the Soulweavers are starting to reclaim the village.
Visit Kajap's house shop and check out the Ravenloss House and his items
shop! There is also a new shop that has a full set of Soulweaver items! |
| Lucky Day!The
nefarious Baron Au'Mydas has escaped from his cell and regained his
golden kiss! Now a horde of golden monsters threatens town! Can you help
defeat these dangerously rich foes and recover the sneevilchaun gold?
And just who would be evil enough to break the Baron out of jail? Log in
now to BattleOn! |
| The Master ApprenticeWarlic
is ageless and powerful but, through his own choices, he's had to start
over on Lore. Now an angst ridden teenager, he remembers the power and
control he used to have... and looks down upon those he has to compete
with now. Log into your Alexander character to check out the newest
quest in Old Swordhaven! |
| The Anomaly: AtreaYou
can now venture into the The Anomaly! Atrea has opened it's gates and
you can explore it's first district this week! Find Yolande to help
secure Atrea from the dangers of the surrounding desert in three new
random quests! You can collect paraginium in all three quests for new
merge items from Moab. Two of the randoms also drop new sets of weapons;
the Night Annex set and the Lifenel set! |
| Wolf and BearAfter
searching through the leagues of woods between Oaklore and Falconreach,
you have finally uncovered the location of the Forest Gate. The Wolf
and the Bear will put you to a test of strength though before sending
you forward... are you up to the challenge? Or will the Guardians of the
Forest Gate end your quest for True Mortal? |
| Playing With FireBrump
has tossed the apprentices out after they destroyed his library, so
what are bored mages to do? Portal into the center of a volcano! Will
Alex be able to face his fear of fire and find his way out? Or will he
burn up?
This weekend is Carnaval! In order to celebrate, there will be a
special Limited Quantity Shop on Saturday, at 2pm EST. Log in to get one
of only 2000 Furious Scythes for 425 Dragon Coins!
This is the last weekend for Hero's Heart Day! Have you found and defeated all the bears? |
| Hero's Heart Day!Happy
Hero's Heart Day weekend! This holiday celebrates love in all it's
forms! A friend of Big Daddy has uncovered a new threat to the holiday
though.... Can you help Sir Stephan solve a huge and tricky list of
clues and battle the Number #1 to Hero's Heart Day? |
| The Forest GateTrue
Mortal has gone after his escaped charges, but Kensai Greydawn awaits
you in his place and he has a mission for you. Log in and talk to the
Kensai at Stoneheart Fall about the Forest Gate to get started!
This weekend will be the last for the full Rift War! Get your last Defender Medals this weekend! |
| Rift War BossThe
heroes of Falconreach banded together and decimated the legion of fiery
interdimensional infernals, took out the Ashen Squires... and now it's
time to face their General! Who has been leading these troops against
Lore? What do they have in store for you! Log in now to fight the Rift
War Boss! |
Finally! Artix Entertainment has
released it's first Flash based Massive Multiplayer
Online RPG! Play with your friends from any web browser
on any computer! This new game is growing fast with
almost daily content releases so join us at AQ.com and
say that you were one of the first to play this amazing
4,995 years before DragonFable
was an era of giant battling war machines. Join us
for all the giant robot action at MechQuest.com and
pilot armed-to-the-teeth assault Mecha. It is a anything
goes build and battle Fantasy/Sci-fi mecha combat game!
See our first ever animated "short" cartoon
featuring non-stop undead slaying action in Doomwood.
It has earned an amazing number of 5 star reviews
on Google and over 30 honors on YouTube during its first
Due to overwhelming demand on the forums for more inventory space you can now
further increase your bag slots with Dragon Coins by vising Cysero's shop.
Copyright © 2006-2012 Artix Entertainment, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
"AdventureQuest", "DragonFable", "MechQuest", "ArchKnight",
"BattleOn.com", "AdventureQuest Worlds", "Artix Entertainment", "Artix"
and all game character names are either trademarks or registered
trademarks of Artix Entertainment, LLC. All rights are reserved.
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